Buf­fet­ed by safe­ty fears, Cem­pra shares crushed af­ter FDA flags a warn­ing on its an­tibi­ot­ic

Shares of Cem­pra Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals plunged 45% $CEMP in ear­ly trad­ing Wednes­day af­ter in­vestors were alarmed by an FDA re­view of its an­tibi­ot­ic, which raised red flags over a se­ri­ous safe­ty is­sue in­volv­ing liv­er in­juries among the pa­tients they test­ed it on.

Solithromycin is de­signed to work by med­dling with bac­te­r­i­al pro­tein syn­the­sis. And with a large num­ber of com­mu­ni­ty-ac­quired bac­te­r­i­al pneu­mo­nia pa­tients (CABP) re­sis­tant to the lead­ing an­tibi­ot­ic on the mar­ket, the Chapel Hill, NC-based biotech has won close at­ten­tion for its re­search work.

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