Can wear­ables help Parkin­son's pa­tients? Ver­i­ly pub­lish­es new da­ta from vir­tu­al ex­ams

It may be soon that wear­ables can be used for more than just re­ceiv­ing texts or mea­sur­ing your steps.

Build­ing on pre­vi­ous re­search show­ing sen­sors can be used to mon­i­tor symp­toms, Ver­i­ly, Al­pha­bet, Inc.’s re­search or­ga­ni­za­tion, post­ed a pa­per de­tail­ing a new smart­watch-based vir­tu­al ex­am for pa­tients with Parkin­son’s.

The study, which start­ed in 2020 and en­rolled 370 par­tic­i­pants, ex­am­ined pa­tients week­ly as they per­formed var­i­ous mo­tor tasks both in-clin­ic and re­mote­ly. The wear­able al­so al­lowed users to in­put when they took their med­ica­tion.

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