Can­cer Re­search UK spin­off rais­es $41M+ in Se­ries B in­jec­tion

The es­tro­gen re­cep­tor (ER) — which is in­hib­it­ed by tar­get­ed drugs such as the hor­mone ther­a­py ta­mox­ifen and aro­matase in­hibitors — is a tran­scrip­tion fac­tor im­pli­cat­ed in 75% of breast can­cers. Re­search from Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty sug­gests that the DNA in­ter­ac­tions and tran­scrip­tion­al scope of ER re­ly on a pro­tein that plays a key role in de­ter­min­ing tu­mor growth and pro­gres­sion — even when re­sis­tance to ex­ist­ing drugs has built up.

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