Can­cer test­ing com­pa­ny Freenome to lay off 100 em­ploy­ees

Freenome, a mak­er of blood-based can­cer tests, will lay off more than 100 em­ploy­ees, or 20% of its work­force, a spokesper­son for the com­pa­ny told End­points News.

The job cuts come af­ter Freenome raised $254 mil­lion in fi­nanc­ing in Feb­ru­ary, bring­ing its fund­ing to­tal to $1.3 bil­lion since the com­pa­ny’s found­ing in 2014. A spokesper­son for Freenome said in a state­ment the re­struc­tur­ing will “bet­ter align with our strate­gic pri­or­i­ties.”

Endpoints News

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