A colored transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of a neuromuscular junction. (Thomas Deerinck, NCMIR / Science Source)

CAR-T cell ther­a­py for myas­the­nia gravis shows promise in small study by Carte­sian Ther­a­peu­tics

Dan­ny De­Ber­ry was start­ing to lose hope. For more than a decade, the North Car­oli­na forester had suf­fered from myas­the­nia gravis, a dis­ease where a per­son’s own im­mune sys­tem mis­tak­en­ly at­tacks and de­stroys the vi­tal junc­tions be­tween nerves and mus­cles.

What be­gan as dou­ble vi­sion prob­lems that left him see­ing two of every tree in the woods soon mor­phed in­to leg and arm weak­ness. A cou­ple of years ago, he could bare­ly walk from his house to his pick­up truck with­out hav­ing to stop and catch his breath. Just as de­pres­sion was sink­ing in, De­Ber­ry read about an ex­per­i­men­tal treat­ment called a CAR-T cell ther­a­py that might help him.

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