Mitch Gold, Alpine Immune Sciences CEO

CD28 kills again? Mitch Gold’s plan to make cell ther­a­py 2.0 his­to­ry crash­es af­ter an­oth­er pa­tient dies of car­dio­genic shock

Mitch Gold’s plans to push the en­ve­lope on cell ther­a­py 2.0 has crashed in­to a fresh safe­ty is­sue — and this time his biotech is ready to call it quits on the lead in-house ef­fort.

Sev­en months af­ter Alpine Im­mune Sci­ences’ dav­o­ceti­cept (ALPN-202) was side­lined by reg­u­la­tors af­ter the death of a pa­tient from car­dio­genic shock, the biotech is back with fresh news of an­oth­er death — al­so by car­dio­genic shock.

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