Bill Haney, Skyhawk

Cel­gene ex­ecs shell out $92M cash for a pair of R&D deals that will fit per­fect­ly in their new home at Bris­tol-My­ers

With Bris­tol-My­ers Squibb’s Cel­gene buy­out all but com­plete, the BD teams are work­ing in per­fect syn­chrony now. The Cel­gene side is go­ing back to Sky­hawk, a dar­ling of the crowd that set out to drug RNA, and they’re adding a suite of new pro­grams that mesh per­fect­ly with the new regime in charge.

Cel­gene is shelling out $80 mil­lion in a cash up­front to add on­col­o­gy, im­muno-on­col­o­gy and au­toim­mune dis­eases to the ini­tial roundup of neu­ro­log­i­cal tar­gets mapped ear­ly in Sky­hawk’s ex­is­tence.

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Viridian Therapeutics

Waltham, MA, USA