Cel­gene turns to Nim­bus on ‘high­ly prized’ I/O tar­get — land­ing right in Bris­tol-My­ers’ sweet spot

Cel­gene’s BD team is stay­ing in gear ahead of the close of the $74 bil­lion Bris­tol-My­ers buy­out. And this lat­est deal lands right in Bris­tol’s sweet spot.

Cel­gene ex­ecs have turned to their part­ners at Nim­bus, bag­ging an op­tion for their HPK1 in­hibitor pro­gram. For now, they’re keep­ing the terms un­der wraps, but Cel­gene, as well as Bris­tol-My­ers, are known for be­ing gen­er­ous when it comes to as­sets they re­al­ly, re­al­ly want.

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