Cell ther­a­py play­er Gam­maDelta spins off Adap­tate to di­rect body's sur­veil­lance sys­tem

If al­pha be­ta T-cells — the foun­da­tion of CAR-T cell ther­a­py — are “killer cells,” trained in the bi­o­log­i­cal­ly an­cient art of ex­e­cut­ing in­trud­ers, think of their gam­ma delta cousins as armed guards, ca­pa­ble of en­gag­ing an in­ter­lop­er but al­so of sound­ing an alarm to kick the rest of the body’s de­fens­es in­to ac­tion.

“The key role they play is to con­duct im­mune sur­veil­lance,” Na­tal­ie Mount told End­points News.  And once they find an in­trud­er “they can stim­u­late a whole im­mune re­sponse as well as be cy­to­tox­ic [cell-killing].”

Endpoints News

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