Cerev­el notch­es Phase 3 Parkin­son's win ahead of Ab­b­Vie trans­ac­tion clos­ing

As it waits for its ac­qui­si­tion by Ab­b­Vie to fi­nal­ize, Cerev­el re­port­ed a Phase 3 win for one of its pro­grams in Parkin­son’s dis­ease.

Pa­tients tak­ing the biotech’s once-dai­ly drug, called tava­padon, on top of the al­ready ap­proved Parkin­son’s treat­ment lev­odopa saw a sta­tis­ti­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant in­crease of 1.1 more hours of “on” time com­pared to place­bo, ac­cord­ing to an ear­ly Thurs­day press re­lease.

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