CG On­col­o­gy touts in­ter­im Phase 3 blad­der can­cer da­ta, gears up to com­pete with Im­mu­ni­ty­Bio

An ex­per­i­men­tal on­colyt­ic virus ther­a­py de­vel­oped by CG On­col­o­gy helped clear tu­mors in 75% of blad­der can­cer pa­tients in a Phase 3 study.

The ther­a­py, known as cre­tosti­mo­gene grenade­norepvec, or cre­to for short, is a virus de­signed to in­fect and de­stroy tu­mor cells. It’s a form of im­munother­a­py — as the virus spreads through tu­mor cells and kills them, the rup­tured cells re­lease tiny can­cer mark­ers that alert im­mune cells, which join the at­tack.

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