Charg­ing at block­buster Ad­vair, No­var­tis boasts topline vic­to­ries for asth­ma drugs in twin PhI­II stud­ies

In a bit of a Rus­sain nest­ing doll mo­ment, No­var­tis says that its po­ten­tial block­buster asth­ma drug has beat an­oth­er treat­ment from its port­fo­lio, which in turn per­formed bet­ter than a cor­ti­cos­teroid in an­oth­er Phase III study.

An­nounced si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly, the stud­ies both en­rolled pa­tients whose dis­ease re­mained un­con­trolled de­spite treat­ment and em­ploy im­prove­ment in trough forced ex­pi­ra­to­ry vol­ume in one sec­ond — a stan­dard mea­sure of lung func­tion — af­ter 26 weeks as the pri­ma­ry end­point. That was met, though QVM149 didn’t hit the key sec­ondary end­point re­gard­ing the Asth­ma Con­trol Ques­tion­naire (ACQ-7) while QMF149 did.

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