Charles Riv­er’s CD­MO busi­ness slows; Lil­ly boosts GLP-1 ca­pac­i­ty; Te­va’s Is­rael sites 'u­naf­fect­ed'

End­points News delved in­to an­oth­er week of in­vestor calls to gath­er key bio­phar­ma man­u­fac­tur­ing up­dates. We found that Charles Riv­er is look­ing to in­crease its man­u­fac­tur­ing cus­tomers with com­mer­cial as­sets, and Eli Lil­ly is aim­ing to fur­ther bol­ster man­u­fac­tur­ing for its weight loss drug.

Charles Riv­er is look­ing to im­prove its CD­MO busi­ness af­ter this seg­ment’s rev­enue de­creased by 7.3% in the third quar­ter, down to $175.7 mil­lion from $189.6 mil­lion re­port­ed in the same time last year. In to­tal, the man­u­fac­tur­ing di­vi­sion made $596.5 mil­lion in the first three quar­ters of 2023, down from $577.5 mil­lion last year.

Endpoints News

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