Marc de Garidel, CinCor Pharma CEO (Eric Piermont/AFP via Getty Images)

Cin­Cor’s hy­per­ten­sion can­di­date flops a PhII test but plans to charge ahead with piv­otal study

To­ward the end of sum­mer, Mass­a­chu­setts-based Cin­Cor Phar­ma was rid­ing high with a $225 mil­lion raise, tout­ing a pos­i­tive da­ta read­out. But a clos­er look un­der the hood has re­vealed a few hic­cups in its Phase II.

Cin­Cor on Mon­day un­veiled topline re­sults from its Phase II tri­al, dubbed HA­LO, eval­u­at­ing bax­dro­stat in pa­tients with un­con­trolled hy­per­ten­sion who are tak­ing up to two blood pres­sure med­ica­tions. The tri­al whiffed on its pri­ma­ry end­point of eval­u­at­ing change from the “base­line in mean seat­ed” sys­tolic blood pres­sure (SBP) in the in­tent-to-treat pop­u­la­tion in all dosage lev­els.

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