Civi­ca and Blue Cross Blue Shield launch new ven­ture to low­er gener­ic prices

Five years af­ter Mar­tin Shkre­li put a smug face to the volatile prices com­pa­nies can charge even for gener­ic drugs, pay­ers and gov­ern­ments are com­ing up with out­side-the-box so­lu­tions.

The lat­est fix is a new ven­ture from the Blue Cross Blue Shield As­so­ci­a­tion, 18 of its mem­bers and Civi­ca, the gener­ics com­pa­ny found­ed in 2018 by hos­pi­tals fed up with high prices for drugs that had long-since lost patent pro­tec­tion. While Civi­ca fo­cused on drugs that hos­pi­tals pur­chased, the new com­pa­ny will aim to low­er prices on drugs that, like Shkre­li’s Dara­prim, are pur­chased by in­di­vid­u­als.

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