Jeffrey Bluestone — UCSF via Parker

Close to a decade af­ter Eli Lil­ly killed it, Jef­frey Blue­stone's 'break­through' drug is back and be­ing steered to the FDA

The di­a­betes drug teplizum­ab has tak­en an­oth­er step for­ward in the long, painful­ly slow trek out of the R&D wilder­ness. And the next stop could be the FDA.

Ban­ished to the shelves 9 years ago at Eli Lil­ly, the drug from the lab of UCSF sci­en­tist and Park­er In­sti­tute chief Jef­frey Blue­stone has now won the FDA’s break­through ther­a­py des­ig­na­tion — an elite reg­u­la­to­ry sta­tus that should speed its way in­to the hands of re­view­ers.

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Viridian Therapeutics

Waltham, MA, USA