CMS needs to strength­en its in­ter­nal con­trols to en­sure Part B drug pay­ment ac­cu­ra­cy, OIG finds

The Of­fice of the In­spec­tor Gen­er­al with­in HHS to­day called on the Cen­ters for Medicare & Med­ic­aid Ser­vices (and CMS agreed) to im­prove the ac­cu­ra­cy of its Medicare Part B drug pay­ment da­ta.

The rec­om­men­da­tion comes as drug pric­ing trans­paren­cy has been a sore spot across the US, and as OIG iden­ti­fied ma­jor gaps in how CMS tracks such da­ta, not­ing that in­valid or miss­ing av­er­age sales price da­ta meant that CMS “could not cal­cu­late an ASP-based pay­ment amount for 8 per­cent of drug codes at least once be­tween 2016 and 2020.”

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