Co­herus and Ab­b­Vie set­tle Hu­mi­ra biosim­i­lar dis­pute af­ter Mark Cuban's Cost Plus Drugs an­nounce­ment

Biosim­i­lars play­er Co­herus Bio­sciences has patched things up with Ab­b­Vie af­ter the phar­ma said Co­herus vi­o­lat­ed its non-ex­clu­sive li­cense to com­mer­cial­ize Yusim­ry, a biosim­i­lar of Hu­mi­ra, a rheuma­toid arthri­tis drug.

On June 6, Co­herus re­ceived a no­tice from Ab­b­Vie be­cause of Co­herus’ an­nounce­ment on June 1 of its pric­ing agree­ment with Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Com­pa­ny and its plans to of­fer Yusim­ry to Cost Plus Drugs cus­tomers be­gin­ning in Ju­ly, ac­cord­ing to SEC fil­ings.

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