Con­gress in­tro­duces two new bills about PBM re­form, drug pric­ing

The wheels are turn­ing in­side Con­gress to move against phar­ma­cy ben­e­fit man­agers, or PBMs, and bring down the cost of pre­scrip­tion drugs — with leg­is­la­tion com­ing from both cham­bers ear­li­er this week.

On Wednes­day, a bi­par­ti­san group of sen­a­tors in­tro­duced a bill that tar­gets PBMs. Called the Pa­tients Be­fore Mid­dle­men (PBM) Act, it was in­tro­duced by six US sen­a­tors from both sides of the po­lit­i­cal aisle: Ron Wyden (D-OR), Bob Menen­dez (D-NJ), Jon Tester (D-MT), Mike Crapo (R-ID), Mar­sha Black­burn (R-TN) and Roger Mar­shall (R-KS).

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