Con­stel­la­tion joins the mega-round club with $100M raise and plans to pur­sue can­cer stud­ies

Af­ter keep­ing a fair­ly low pro­file for the past few years, Con­stel­la­tion Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals is step­ping in­to the spot­light this morn­ing, join­ing the megaround club in biotech with a broad­ened syn­di­cate of crossover in­vestors that fits the pro­file for com­pa­nies groom­ing them­selves for an IPO.

Adding in a $48 mil­lion round the com­pa­ny brought in at the end of 2016 — but didn’t spot­light — along with a $100 mil­lion round to­day, CEO Ji­gar Raythatha tells me that the com­pa­ny has now raised a to­tal of $280 mil­lion since launch­ing 10 years ago. And the sto­ry the com­pa­ny is telling now cen­ters con­sid­er­ably on a pair of ear­ly-stage can­cer stud­ies.

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