Milton Boyer, Meridian Medical Technologies CEO

Con­tract man­u­fac­tur­er Merid­i­an Med­ical Tech­nolo­gies to in­vest $100M+ in fill-fin­ish site near St. Louis

CD­MO Merid­i­an Med­ical Tech­nolo­gies is mak­ing a large in­vest­ment in­to a man­u­fac­tur­ing site in Mis­souri.

Merid­i­an is set to ex­pand its pro­duc­tion site in the St. Louis sub­urb of Bridgeton, MO. The man­u­fac­tur­er will in­vest over $100 mil­lion over the next four years in­to the fa­cil­i­ty. The site cur­rent­ly sits at 155,000 square feet and plans to have fill-fin­ish ca­pa­bil­i­ties for its CD­MO busi­ness.

The new fa­cil­i­ty is set to be com­plet­ed in 2024 and has added around 300 em­ploy­ees since last Jan­u­ary, bring­ing its head­count to around 900. While no hard de­tails on head­count ex­pan­sion were dis­closed, Merid­i­an will par­tic­i­pate in a state works pro­gram that grants tax cred­its or with­hold­ings for job cre­ation ef­forts.

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