Covid-19 jab pro­duc­tion has stopped at J&J's vac­cine birth­place

A J&J man­u­fac­tur­ing site in Lei­den, Nether­lands has halt­ed its pro­duc­tion of Covid-19 vac­cines, in fa­vor of mak­ing an­oth­er vac­cine that The New York Times says is more prof­itable.

The halt is not per­ma­nent, the com­pa­ny says, and pro­duc­tion is ex­pect­ed to turn back on in a few months. There is a stock­pile of dos­es, and a com­pa­ny spokesman said in an email that there are mil­lions of dos­es in in­ven­to­ry and that the com­pa­ny is “work­ing day and night” to fight the pan­dem­ic. J&J did not dis­close what the oth­er vac­cine be­ing man­u­fac­tured is, just re­it­er­at­ing in an email that it man­ages pro­duc­tion plan­ning ac­cord­ing­ly and is “cur­rent­ly sup­ply­ing from our ex­ten­sive glob­al net­work based on the de­mand for our vac­cine and the needs of our pa­tients and cus­tomers.”

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