Ursula von der Leyen, AP Images

Covid-19 roundup: Cuo­mo ad­min­is­tra­tion al­leged­ly gave Re­gen­eron's George Yan­copou­los spe­cial pref­er­ence for test­ing — re­port; Act­ing tough, EU calls on As­traZeneca to 'catch up' on vac­cine de­liv­ery be­fore ex­port­ing

Re­gen­eron’s pres­i­dent George Yan­copou­los is in the hot seat, as re­ports emerge that he got spe­cial ac­cess to Covid-19 tests from the state of New York dur­ing a time when they were hard to come by.

Un­named sources told the New York Times that Yan­copou­los, Gov. An­drew Cuo­mo’s rel­a­tives, and oth­er in­flu­en­tial peo­ple got pref­er­en­tial treat­ment when it came to Covid-19 test­ing ear­ly on in the pan­dem­ic. Yan­copou­los has long­stand­ing ties to the em­bat­tled gov­er­nor, and has been backed by suc­ces­sive Cuo­mo ad­min­is­tra­tions, the Times re­port­ed on Thurs­day.

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