Covid-19 roundup: Bris­tol My­ers sus­pends clin­i­cal tri­als, grounds field team; Vir ush­ers an­ti­body can­di­dates to hu­man test­ing

The glob­al na­ture of the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic is man­i­fest­ing more pro­found­ly every day. With Spain’s death toll now sur­pass­ing Chi­na’s and In­dia on full lock­down, the num­ber of con­firmed cas­es around the world has ex­ceed­ed 436,000 while re­cov­er­ies edged close to 112,000.

While the out­break de­rails R&D at an­oth­er phar­ma gi­ant, sev­er­al drug­mak­ers have some en­cour­ag­ing up­dates on both ex­per­i­men­tal and re­pur­posed mol­e­cules. Phil­an­thropic cam­paigns in an­tic­i­pa­tion of the eco­nom­ic fall­out con­tin­ue. An Aus­tralian biotech is tak­ing ex­treme mea­sures to hun­ker down. There’s al­so an al­ter­na­tive epi­demi­ol­o­gy mod­el emerg­ing out of the UK, stir­ring up more dis­cus­sion re­gard­ing the true ex­tent of the in­fec­tions in the coun­try.

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