Covid-19 roundup: Con­gress agrees to $10B spend­ing bill; New preprint shows Gilead­'s Vek­lury is in­ef­fec­tive

Af­ter much hag­gling and con­cerns over whether fed­er­al fund­ing for vac­cines and test­ing would run out, Con­gress agreed to a new Covid-19 spend­ing bill Mon­day.

The deal calls for $10 bil­lion in re­pur­posed Covid funds that hadn’t been spent, Reuters was among those to re­port. Leg­is­la­tors had said they were close to an agree­ment late last week af­ter Re­pub­li­cans and De­moc­rats agreed to re­move a pro­vi­sion that would have pro­vid­ed $5 bil­lion in aid to for­eign coun­tries.

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