Covid-19 roundup: Con­gress re­port­ed­ly near­ing $10B fund­ing deal; Mer­ck and Ridge­back tout new mol­nupi­ravir da­ta

Con­gress is re­port­ed­ly close to se­cur­ing new fed­er­al fund­ing for Covid-19 vac­cines, test­ing and treat­ments, but the sum will be sig­nif­i­cant­ly low­er than the White House’s ini­tial ask.

Leg­is­la­tors are near­ing a deal to pro­vide $10 bil­lion in new Covid-19 fund­ing, the AP was among those to re­port, set­ting up a pos­si­ble fi­nal ap­proval next week. The to­tal is less than half of Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s re­quest for more than $22 bil­lion in ear­ly March, and al­so low­er than a $15.6 bil­lion deal that was scut­tled a few weeks ago.

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