Covid-19 roundup: Cure­Vac finds big vac­cine part­ner in Bay­er; Slaoui will stay on as Biden con­sul­tant

Aside from do­nat­ing chloro­quine in the ear­ly days of the pan­dem­ic, Bay­er has large­ly stayed out of the spot­light as oth­er Big Phar­mas deal and in­vest their way in­to lead­ing roles in de­vel­op­ing Covid-19 vac­cines and ther­a­peu­tics.

But that’s chang­ing to­day as Bay­er puts its weight be­hind Cure­Vac, a fel­low Ger­man play­er, and its mR­NA vac­cine can­di­date.

The com­pa­nies are en­ter­ing a “col­lab­o­ra­tion and ser­vices agree­ment,” which will see Bay­er take up re­spon­si­bil­i­ties in de­vel­op­ment, sup­ply and key ter­ri­to­ry op­er­a­tions — lever­ag­ing its ex­per­tise in ar­eas like clin­i­cal op­er­a­tions, reg­u­la­to­ry af­fairs, phar­ma­covig­i­lance, sup­ply chain and on-the-ground in­fra­struc­ture in cer­tain coun­tries.

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