Covid-19 roundup: CEPI pours $328M in­to Clover's vac­cine; For­mer Shkre­li com­pa­ny li­cens­es po­ten­tial treat­ment for $20M

Af­ter pour­ing $69.5 mil­lion in­to the de­vel­op­ment Clover Bio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals’ Covid-19 vac­cine, CEPI is back with an­oth­er $250 mil­lion-plus to fin­ish what it start­ed.

The lat­est fund­ing will bring CEPI’s to­tal con­tri­bu­tion to $328 mil­lion, pro­pelling Clover’s pro­tein-based S-Trimer vac­cine can­di­date in­to a piv­otal Phase II/III ef­fi­ca­cy tri­al. Clover is lag­ging be­hind fron­trun­ners like Mod­er­na and Pfiz­er, which both be­gan Phase III tri­als in Ju­ly and said they could have the safe­ty da­ta nec­es­sary to ap­ply for an EUA this month. Clover ex­pects to be­gin its own Phase II/III tri­al this year, and is shoot­ing for po­ten­tial li­cen­sure in 2021.

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