Covid-19 roundup: GSK and Vir reach sotro­vimab sup­ply agree­ment in Sin­ga­pore; J&J vac­cine shows var­ied suc­cess against vari­ants

GSK Sin­ga­pore and Vir Biotech­nol­o­gy have reached an agree­ment with the Sin­ga­pore gov­ern­ment to sup­ply it with a sin­gle-dose mon­o­clon­al an­ti­body for Covid-19.

GSK has sub­mit­ted an ap­pli­ca­tion for reg­u­la­to­ry re­view in the coun­try. Phase III da­ta showed the drug spurred an 85% re­duc­tion in hos­pi­tal­iza­tion or death com­pared to the place­bo. The study in­clud­ed 583 pa­tients, and pre­clin­i­cal da­ta sug­gest­ed that the drug main­tains ac­tiv­i­ty against the Al­pha, Be­ta, Gam­ma and Delta vari­ants.

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