Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO (Evan Vucci/AP Images)

Covid-19 roundup: Is­rael and South Ko­rea ne­go­ti­ate vac­cine swap; Af­ter av­do­ral­imab fail­ure, In­nate aban­dons pan­dem­ic work

Is­rael is ship­ping 700,000 dos­es of Pfiz­er-BioN­Tech’s mR­NA-based vac­cine to South Ko­rea for dos­es to be named lat­er.

South Ko­rea will send a ship­ment of the same num­ber of dos­es to Is­rael in the fu­ture, the As­so­ci­at­ed Press re­ports. The ef­fort comes as South Ko­rea push­es to in­oc­u­late more of its cit­i­zens.

“We are ex­pect­ing to have a suf­fi­cient num­ber of vac­cines dur­ing the fourth quar­ter while we pro­ceed with our vac­ci­na­tion cam­paign,” South Ko­re­an in­fec­tious dis­ease ex­pert Jung Eun-kyeong told the AP.

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