Isao Teshirogi, Shionogi CEO (Kiyoshi Ota/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Covid-19 roundup: Sh­iono­gi vac­cine proves ef­fec­tive — re­port; Eli Lil­ly, In­cyte's JAK re­duces death, study finds

As the fam­i­ly of pro­tein-based Covid-19 vac­cines con­tin­ues to push for­ward, one com­pa­ny has re­port­ed­ly found its shot to be safe and ef­fec­tive.

Japan’s Sh­iono­gi said ear­ly Fri­day its vac­cine met the pri­ma­ry end­point in a Phase II/III study eval­u­at­ing it as a boost­er shot, Bloomberg re­port­ed. There were no se­ri­ous side ef­fects or deaths re­lat­ed to the vac­cine.

The news comes at a time when Japan has seen a slow boost­er up­take, de­spite hav­ing one of the high­est two-shot im­mu­niza­tion rates among wealthy coun­tries. Rough­ly 21% of the Japan­ese pop­u­la­tion has re­ceived a boost­er, Bloomberg re­port­ed.

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