Craig Bas­son tells us why he leapt from NI­BR to Boston Phar­ma; Ex-BMS Part­ner Cy­tomX finds new CMO in Al­li­son Han­nah

Craig Bas­son (Jon Chomitz

Se­nior year, Craig Bas­son would walk to the store­room in Roslyn High and check on the rats his sci­ence teacher had or­dered him.

The ex­per­i­ment was sim­ple. Bas­son cas­trat­ed the rats. He wait­ed for the cells in the ep­ithe­li­um to de­cay, and then he in­ject­ed testos­terone or es­tro­gen to see if they re­grew. If he didn’t have the right mi­cro­scope to an­a­lyze re­sults, he whee­dled for time at a lo­cal uni­ver­si­ty and car­ried his sam­ples there.

“These days it would be com­plete­ly un­ac­cept­able,” Bas­son told End­points News, cit­ing the eth­i­cal con­cerns of a high school­er do­ing un­ap­proved an­i­mal ex­per­i­ments. “It just wasn’t as well ap­pre­ci­at­ed in the 1970s.”

Endpoints News

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