CSL ac­cus­es ri­val Pharm­ing of par­tic­i­pat­ing in a scheme to rip off IP on HAE while re­cruit­ing se­nior R&D staffer

Pharm­ing has land­ed in the mid­dle of a le­gal don­ny­brook af­ter re­cruit­ing a se­nior ex­ec­u­tive from a ri­val R&D team at CSL. The Aus­tralian phar­ma gi­ant slapped Pharm­ing with a law­suit al­leg­ing that the Dutch biotech’s new em­ploy­ee, Joseph Chiao, loot­ed a large cache of pro­pri­etary doc­u­ments as he hit the ex­it. And they want it all back.

Fed­er­al Judge Juan Sanchez in the East­ern Dis­trict Penn­syl­va­nia court is­sued an in­junc­tion on Tues­day pro­hibit­ing Chiao from do­ing any work on HAE or pri­ma­ry im­mune de­fi­cien­cy in his new job and de­mand­ing that he re­turn any ma­te­r­i­al from CSL that he may have in his pos­ses­sion. And he wants Pharm­ing to tell its em­ploy­ees not to ask for any in­for­ma­tion on the for­bid­den top­ics.

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