From left to right: Lou Tartaglia, Richard Lim and Dave Fallace (Cure Ventures)

The ‘new, old kids’ on the biotech block un­veil a $350M stealth sci­ence fund. And they’re go­ing very, very ear­ly

Richard Lim and his two co-founders at Cure Ven­tures have some biotech sto­ries to tell.

Lim re­calls the time some 17 years ago he and Lou Tartaglia were go­ing to start some­thing — but then Tartaglia jumped to Third Rock as Kevin Starr and Bob Tep­per were ramp­ing things up, with roles at Ed­i­tas and Agios. He lat­er moved to 5AM. Then there are tales of Dave Fal­lace’s biotech-nam­ing role at Juno and De­nali when Alas­ka’s most icon­ic lo­ca­tions pro­vid­ed names for two of his more no­table star­tups at the Alas­ka Per­ma­nent Fund.

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