James Dentzer, Curis CEO

Cor­rect­ed: FDA al­lows Curis to restart en­rolling pa­tients in leukemia tri­al as shares tum­ble 9%

Less than two weeks af­ter the FDA lift­ed a hold on one of Curis’ pro­grams, reg­u­la­tors are back with some good news.

Curis an­nounced Tues­day that the reg­u­la­to­ry agency has al­lowed the com­pa­ny to start en­rolling pa­tients again, af­ter im­pos­ing a par­tial clin­i­cal hold on the com­pa­ny’s Phase I/II study of drug can­di­date emavusert­ib in leukemia ear­li­er this year. $CRIS fell just over 9% af­ter the mar­ket opened Tues­day morn­ing, cur­rent­ly at the bor­der of pen­ny stock ter­ri­to­ry at $1.02 a share and down 1% over the course of the last month.

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