An aerial view of the tornado damage at Pfizer's plant in Rocky Mount, NC (WTVD via AP Images)

Dam­aged Pfiz­er plant re­mains closed as wor­ries mount about short­ages of ster­ile in­jecta­bles

Pfiz­er said Fri­day it is as­sess­ing the se­vere­ly dam­aged plant in North Car­oli­na and mov­ing fin­ished med­ica­tions to near­by sites amid on­go­ing con­cern that short­ages of ster­ile in­jecta­bles may wors­en.

An EF-3 tor­na­do sud­den­ly ap­peared on Wednes­day in Nash Coun­ty, NC, sig­nif­i­cant­ly dam­ag­ing a Pfiz­er man­u­fac­tur­ing fa­cil­i­ty in Rocky Mount. None of the plant’s 3,200 work­ers were in­jured. The fa­cil­i­ty’s ware­house has the most dam­age, and the plant re­mains closed.

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