Dana­her hands a dis­tressed GE $21B+ for bio­phar­ma busi­ness that made $3B last year

GE’s re­cent­ly ap­point­ed chief Lawrence Culp is sell­ing the bio­phar­ma busi­ness of the em­bat­tled in­dus­tri­al con­glom­er­ate for more than $21 bil­lion to his pre­vi­ous em­ploy­er, Dana­her, a de­vel­op­er of tech­nol­o­gy for the life sci­ences in­dus­try.

Gen­er­al Elec­tric (GE) — once a bea­con of Amer­i­can in­dus­try that traces its ori­gins to the as­sets of cel­e­brat­ed in­ven­tor Thomas Edi­son — has been nurs­ing its wounds of late, as it strug­gles with mount­ing debt and in­sur­ance li­a­bil­i­ties. In des­per­ate need of a cash in­fu­sion, the mak­er of pow­er plants and air­craft en­gines has been look­ing to sell off its non-core busi­ness­es, and un­til re­cent­ly had pledged to piv­ot its en­tire health-care busi­ness in an ini­tial pub­lic of­fer­ing lat­er in 2019.

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