PharmStars inaugural graduate class of digital health companies flank CEO Naomi Fried (center, blue jacket) and GM Laura Gunn (center, black jacket)

Da­ta an­a­lyt­ics looms large as Pharm­Stars dig­i­tal health ac­cel­er­a­tor wraps first 'Phar­mU' start­up class

Class is dis­missed for Pharm­Stars’ first co­hort of dig­i­tal health start­up com­pa­nies. The phar­ma-fo­cused ac­cel­er­a­tor re­cent­ly grad­u­at­ed 12 com­pa­nies af­ter a 10-week ed­u­ca­tion­al pro­gram and …

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Director of IT, Security

Viridian Therapeutics

Waltham, MA, USA