IQVIA and Pro­pel to hold on deal close as FTC case pro­ceeds

IQVIA’s pro­posed merg­er with Pro­pel Me­dia won’t close un­til at least Nov. 23, as a dis­trict court con­sid­ers the FTC’s re­quest to block the deal, ac­cord­ing to court doc­u­ments.

The com­pa­nies and FTC have agreed to de­lay the merg­er un­der a tem­po­rary re­strain­ing or­der un­til af­ter 11:59 pm ET on Nov. 22, or the third busi­ness day af­ter a judge rules on the FTC’s mo­tion for a pre­lim­i­nary in­junc­tion, whichev­er comes first. The FTC filed a law­suit last week in an at­tempt to stop IQVIA from buy­ing adtech firm Pro­pel Me­dia and pre­vent the con­sol­i­da­tion of pro­gram­mat­ic ad­ver­tis­ing for pre­scrip­tion drugs, the agency said in a press re­lease.

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