De­cry­ing 'ar­bi­trary and capri­cious' ac­tion, Re­genxBio sues FDA over clin­i­cal holds on gene ther­a­py

When Re­genxBio dis­closed that the FDA had placed a par­tial clin­i­cal hold on one of its lead gene ther­a­pies, ex­ecs out­lined sev­er­al cus­tom­ary next steps: con­tin­u­ing as­sess­ment and mon­i­tor­ing, de­lay­ing a re­lat­ed IND fil­ing, and work­ing with the FDA to ad­dress the mat­ter.

As it turned out, they were plan­ning some­thing much less mun­dane. Two days af­ter an­nounc­ing the hold in its Q3 up­date, Re­genxBio filed a law­suit seek­ing to set it aside, the FDA Law Blog not­ed.

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