Susan Tousi, the new CEO of Delfi Diagnostics

Up­dat­ed: Delfi Di­ag­nos­tics hires Il­lu­mi­na’s chief com­mer­cial of­fi­cer as next CEO

Delfi Di­ag­nos­tics has hired Su­san Tou­si, Il­lu­mi­na’s chief com­mer­cial of­fi­cer, as its new CEO, the com­pa­ny con­firmed Fri­day in a press re­lease.

Delfi is a com­peti­tor to Il­lu­mi­na’s Grail unit, which Il­lu­mi­na is in the process of di­vest­ing. Like Grail, it makes a blood-based can­cer test that aims to catch ma­lig­nan­cies ear­ly. The test it sells is meant to de­tect lung can­cer, un­like Grail’s, which looks for a wider set of tu­mor types.

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