De­nali, Take­da scrap PhI Alzheimer's drug due to safe­ty sig­nals, 'rapid­ly evolv­ing' land­scape

As Bio­gen takes a pre­clin­i­cal De­nali com­pound tar­get­ing amy­loid be­ta for­ward in Alzheimer’s, De­nali is shelv­ing an­oth­er Alzheimer’s can­di­date that is part­nered with Take­da and hits a dif­fer­ent tar­get.

Phase I da­ta sug­gest that the drug, known as TAK-920 or DNL919, has a “nar­row ther­a­peu­tic win­dow” giv­en safe­ty sig­nals, De­nali said. To­geth­er with Take­da, it now plans to go back to the draw­ing board, fo­cus­ing on back­up mol­e­cules still in the pre­clin­i­cal stage, in­clud­ing po­ten­tial com­bi­na­tions.

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