Beijing Capital International Airport (Shutterstock)

Bio­gen staffer fled to Chi­na in search of emer­gency Covid-19 test­ing, care — and now faces crim­i­nal charges

A Bio­gen em­ploy­ee who has con­tract­ed Covid-19 in Mass­a­chu­setts fled to Bei­jing along­side her fam­i­ly. And now she faces crim­i­nal charges for ly­ing about her con­di­tion on the way back.

The com­pa­ny con­firmed to End­points News that the woman, iden­ti­fied by Chi­nese of­fi­cials as Ms. Li, works for the com­pa­ny but said she didn’t at­tend the strat­e­gy meet­ing in Boston that gave rise to a clus­ter of coro­n­avirus cas­es.

“We be­lieve Ms. Li is a U.S. based Bio­gen em­ploy­ee who made a per­son­al de­ci­sion to trav­el to Chi­na,” a spokesper­son wrote in an email. “We are deeply dis­mayed by the sit­u­a­tion as re­port­ed by the me­dia in Chi­na.”

Endpoints News

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