Endpoints 11 2022: John Carroll's fireside chat with Nobel Prize laureate Phil Sharp (Credit: Michael Last)

Did I ever tell you the one about the drunk­en biotech awards pro­gram I host­ed at a Chica­go bar?

I’ll be head­ed in­to Boston on Wednes­day for this year’s End­points 11. And this year, we have some very in­ter­est­ing plans to cel­e­brate our se­lec­tion of 11 up-and-com­ing biotechs with Very Big Plans.

Some years ago, when I was or­ches­trat­ing a sim­i­lar project for an­oth­er bio­phar­ma news­group you may have heard of, the mar­ket­ing man­ag­er arranged to have me host the event at a crowd­ed Chica­go bar. The drinks flowed fast, the mass­es came to talk — to each oth­er — and I was pret­ty much drowned out by the rough or­ches­tra of drunk noise.

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