John Quisel, Disc Medicine CEO

With promis­ing PhII blood dis­or­der da­ta in hand, Disc Med­i­cine seeks $100M in pub­lic of­fer­ing

Disc Med­i­cine is look­ing for even more cap­i­tal to fund its can­di­dates for blood dis­or­ders on the heels of a $62.5 mil­lion di­rect of­fer­ing and the first clin­i­cal ev­i­dence sup­port­ing its lead can­di­date.

The Wa­ter­town, MA, bio­phar­ma is of­fer­ing up $100 mil­lion worth of shares of its com­mon stock in an un­der­writ­ten pub­lic of­fer­ing, in which cer­tain in­vestors can go for pre-fund­ed war­rants in­stead. The un­der­writ­ers al­so get a 30-day op­tion to pur­chase up to an ad­di­tion­al $15 mil­lion of shares of its com­mon stock, the com­pa­ny said Mon­day.

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