DOJ sub­poe­nas Bio­Marin over spon­sored test­ing pro­gram for rare dis­ease drugs

The De­part­ment of Jus­tice has is­sued a sub­poe­na to Bio­Marin over is­sues with its spon­sored test­ing pro­grams for two of its rare dis­ease drugs, the com­pa­ny dis­closed in an an­nu­al SEC fil­ing on Mon­day.

The sub­poe­na seeks doc­u­ments on Bio­Marin’s spon­sored test­ing pro­grams for Vimiz­im (elo­sul­fase al­fa), an en­zyme re­place­ment ther­a­py for the rare ge­net­ic dis­ease Morquio A syn­drome that af­fects the spine and some or­gans. It al­so re­quests doc­u­ments for its pro­gram for Naglazyme (gal­sul­fase), an­oth­er en­zyme re­place­ment ther­a­py for peo­ple with mu­copolysac­cha­ri­do­sis VI, a rare con­di­tion that can cause tis­sues and or­gans to at­ro­phy.

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