Drug short­ages re­main low in 2021 as FDA's pre­ven­tion ef­forts grow, re­port to Con­gress says

Sup­ply chain sna­fus, high-pro­file drug and vac­cine short­ages and qual­i­ty is­sues (e.g. Emer­gent’s Bal­ti­more site) have played a ma­jor role dur­ing the pan­dem­ic so far. But in a new re­port to Con­gress, the FDA said that it’s con­tin­u­ing to see drug short­ages de­cline ⁠— from a high of 250 drug short­ages in 2011 to just 41 in 2021.

“The num­ber of new drug short­ages has not in­creased sig­nif­i­cant­ly dur­ing the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic,” FDA said. How­ev­er, the agency al­so made clear that in 2021, “there were short­ages of drug prod­ucts from man­u­fac­tur­ers in the U.S. and abroad, and there con­tin­ues to be con­cern sur­round­ing the sup­ply chain and re­liance on over­seas man­u­fac­tur­ing.”

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