Michael Dell (Richard Drew, AP Images)

'Dude, you're get­ting a Del­l' — as a new deep-pock­et biotech in­vestor

What hap­pens when you mar­ry long­time in­sid­ers in the glob­al biotech VC game with the fam­i­ly fund of tech bil­lion­aire Michael Dell, a syn­thet­ic bi­ol­o­gy leg­end out of MIT and Har­vard and the for­mer di­rec­tor of the NCI?

To­day, the an­swer is a new­ly fi­nanced, $200 mil­lion biotech SPAC now cruis­ing the in­dus­try for a top play­er in­ter­est­ed in find­ing a short cut to Nas­daq.

Ori­on Biotech Op­por­tu­ni­ties priced their blank check com­pa­ny to­day, rais­ing $200 mil­lion with Dell’s multi­bil­lion-dol­lar MSD group’s com­mit­ment on in­vest­ing an­oth­er $20 mil­lion in a for­ward-pur­chase agree­ment.

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