Ear­ly snap­shot of Ad­verum's eye gene ther­a­py sparks con­cern about vi­sion loss

An ear­ly-stage up­date on Ad­verum Biotech­nolo­gies’ in­trav­it­re­al gene ther­a­py has trig­gered in­vestor con­cern, af­ter pa­tients with wet age-re­lat­ed mac­u­lar de­gen­er­a­tion (AMD) saw their vi­sion de­te­ri­o­rate, de­spite signs that the treat­ment is im­prov­ing reti­nal anato­my.

Ad­verum, on Wednes­day, un­veiled 24-week da­ta from the OP­TIC tri­al of its ex­per­i­men­tal ther­a­py, AD­VM-022, in six pa­tients who have been ad­min­is­tered with one dose of the ther­a­py. On av­er­age, pa­tients in the tri­al had se­vere dis­ease with an av­er­age of 6.2 an­ti-VEGF in­jec­tions in the eight months pri­or to screen­ing and an av­er­age an­nu­al­ized in­jec­tion fre­quen­cy of 9.3 in­jec­tions.

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