Ec­co­gene nabs $25M Se­ries B for GLP-1 and a NASH drug can­di­date, as com­peti­tors lap the Chi­na biotech

An ear­ly-stage Chi­na biotech hopes to break in­to the GLP-1 race for obe­si­ty and di­a­betes as heavy­weights dom­i­nate the field, with No­vo Nordisk al­ready tout­ing Phase III da­ta on its oral GLP-1 and Eli Lil­ly and Pfiz­er near­ing their big days.

Shang­hai- and Boston-based Ec­co­gene said Mon­day it has raised about $25 mil­lion, or CNY 180 mil­lion, in Se­ries B fi­nanc­ing as it moves through a Phase I study of its small mol­e­cule GLP-1 re­cep­tor ag­o­nist and takes its NASH and lipid dis­or­ders drug can­di­date through ear­ly-stage test­ing as well.

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